úterý 17. března 2020

Torah - Law - Being under the Law




It is very simple. Christ has created the world. The Gospel of John says Christ was the Word. And World was created by the Word. And the Word became physical body (sarx). And we have met him (or he has been inside us - or he has been in our midst). Every Word of God is the Word which came out of Christ mouth. He is the Word. He is the commandments. The word Torah means instructions and it is the same meaning as commandments. Bible also use the word ordinances to refer Torah or Law of Moses.

Now I quote E.H from youtube. His channel is here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4RH6eOHtk_xLoI9YmaXpeQ

He have written under this video made by Torben Sonengaard.


Hello Torben, I understand when you speak about the Hebrew Movement and all the things which happening there. But also I want to mention that maybe you don't know about. I personally know people where God revealed to honest seriously Christians back in the days where there was no internet nor computers at all. Back in the times where christians had to work in mines in the UdSSR (Comunism) cause they where Christian's. And we we have testimony how god baptized them with the holy spirit and gifts of the holy spirit and they got those revelations directly from the Holy Spirit. To keep the Sabbath cause it's a blessing , to keep the food laws cause it's a blessing (ask Science if u dont believe the Holy Spirit). I understand when say that people try to live god with keeping commandments and the enemy doesn't sleep and comes from the other side to deceive people with the Law to get righteousness from.Thats absolutely wrong I agree. But still I believe God gave his Comandments not to punish or put them under a yoke but because he loves them. We see it at every point. He gave a Standard....which is now in our hearts thrue the holy spirit. I like it to keep his commandments because I belive that Goods will for us is perfect and he loves us. And those are a blessing for us in our daily live. But I dont get righteousness thrue the Law or any other good work. Only thrue his blood and his grace to me. I can tell u that we are for example a Group which is walking in the gifts of the holy spirit, seeking God, seeking his Grace, and thank God we have big Testimonies about big Miracles and signs. I am very blessed also by your teachings since the last 3 Years but all the time I was keeping Sabbath and Feast and Foodlaws and God revealed more and more of his Grace and we didn't fall away from grace. We had growth and Blessings and Miracles all the time cause the heart has to be circumcised. I absolutely agree with you about dangerous things among this movement.But we have dangerous things happening in all Movements. I could tell you a bunch of Testimonies what god did with people and how he revealed them his Commandments without them searching for it. You cannot say that everybody is on a dangerous path how is keeping or celebrating those things. They are still biblical and given from God.Jesus. Cause he is the "I am" Thank You Torben for your Ministrie may God bless u....realy would like to meet you one day. U can email me at generationofmessiah ,,, We are located in Kanada Manitoba.


Quoting Benjamin:

John 7.16 "Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from the one who sent me."
The commandments of Jesus are the same as the law of God given through Moses. I know it's diffilcult nowadays to realize this, but this is what the Bible says I sincerely think.

The Whole_Picture
Only the ten commandments, not the 613 Mosaic commandments. The two greatest being to love the Lord God with all your heart and soul and to love your neighbour as yourself.

Now the respons to The Whole_picture is:

God said, love God with whole your soul. But what does it acctually mean? It means to keep Torah (his commandments) as much a possible! But remember. You are not saved by the acts, but by grace of God!

Many Christians often try to prove that it is not neccessary to keep Torah. But Jesus said, keep my commandments... Also they quote a lot of commandments or recommendation from New Testament, but they don't realize that these commandments don't fit to the ten commandments! The expectations of Jesus are much higher and broader than ten commandments, yet still he calls this burden light. The commandments Jesus gives are taken from Torah.

For example Benjamin quoted Leviticus:

Leviticus 19:18"'Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the LORD."

That's good point!

William Rice:

The Law He writes on our hearts is deeper and more comprehensive than the 10, fortunately we believers have God's Spirit within to empower and lead us into that. We must stay rooted in the Word and not be drawn into those extremes like reverting to Levitical laws or that other 'No Law' extreme that says we're not under the Law of Christ either, and just thinking you are (because the Gospel says so) you are accursed. The Gospel taught by Jesus and others in the New Testament is the one we are to believe.


Matouš 5:18  For most assuredly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter (1) or one tiny pen stroke (2) shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished.  19  Whoever, therefore, shall break one of these least commandments, and teach others to do so, shall be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven; but whoever shall do and teach them shall be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 

Romans 14:3-4  Don't let him who eats despise him who doesn't eat. Don't let him who doesn't eat judge him who eats, for God has received him. Who are you who judge another's servant? To his own lord he stands or falls. Yes, he will be made to stand, for God has power to make him stand.

There are Christians who judge other Christians who want to keep some Torah commandments like avoid eating pork or keeping Shabat. And that is problem, because there is missing acceptance and love.

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